Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Emerald Melody


  1. Em. We love you! You are perfectly wonderful, and I want you to be happy.


  2. Emmmmmmmm! You are always delightful on the blog, you are SO nice to me even though I'm new, and I just love your profile picture. :) You're a great person!

  3. Emmy Emmy Emmy aah the exploding....I miss chasing you and putting you on the leash. Oops.

  4. Emerald Melody... Since this is anonymous, I'll be truthful. When I first met you, I was a little put out by your choice of curse words, but too nice to say anything about it. But after getting to know you more, and reading your awesome book while it was still on a blog, I've come to accept who you are. Besides, when you're one of the oldest Bloglandian out there, it comes as no surprise that things will get a little more mature on the blog. :P

    Anyway, I actually didn't know Chase that well, but I read some comments of his and afterwards, it seemed like I knew him as well as the others did. You know, there was a time when he was on, but I never commented, I just watched. He put a link to a video he snuck of you singing 'we found love in a hopeless place'(forgot the actual name), and he said you had an amazing voice, even if you didn't believe it. Well after watching that vid, I believe it too. Anyone could see that Chase loved you a lot. I'm so sorry for your loss. You've been so strong in the aftermath, and even if it's not my place to say it, I want to anyway. I'm so proud of you, Em. You are loved by all who know you. We are here for you whenever you want to talk. *hugs*
