Saph. Sapphy. Sapphire. I know your name, 'Iota', means small, but you have the biggest and brightest personality. I've known you longer than anyone except your family, and I know that just ruined the whole 'Anonymous' thing, but I had to write here.
Do you remember the time we went to get an ice cream, but you gave a dollar to every beggar/busker we saw on our way, until we arrived at the dairy and realised you had no money left? I thought then that you were the kindest person I'd ever met, and I still think that.
You're also beautiful. Sure, you were cute when you were a little kid, but when you grew up you became amazingly beautiful. You're beautiful when you're laughing, you're beautiful when you're day-dreaming, you're beautiful when you're scowling and hitting me on the head for being an idiot. But when you're not trying, when your hair's messed up and you wear your oldest clothes, when you're completely natural and you- that's when you're most beautiful to me.
You're like my little sister- annoying sometimes, but I'd protect you from anything (Not that you need me to protect you, with your ninja self-defence stuff). You're my best friend, my rock, my crutch when my legs give out, my moral compass to correct me when I go wrong, the other half of my heart.
You also happen to be the smartest person in the whole country (don't deny it, I know you beat everyone in your year in every single test) but you're modest. I don't think I've ever heard you brag, or even tell someone your score if they didn't ask. That takes a particular kind of strength that astounds me.
Then again, you are the strongest and bravest person I know. Life has thrown hell at you and you've continued on with a perseverance and strength of character I could never hope to match. In fact, if you have one failing, it's that you always try to bear everything alone. I know your heart is filled with so much love, but it's also closed off. I've known you for years, and yet I still don't really know who you are. Sometimes, especially recently, I've seen a distant, guarded look in your eyes that lets me know you're hurting, but I don't know why. You don't have to be alone. I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you. You've always been the one to comfort other people- the empathetic girl who always knows what to say, and when not to say it. That should go two-ways- you have the right to ask for help sometimes too.
You told me once that you felt like everyone expected you to be perfect, but whatever you tried, you fell short. You are perfect to me, and always will be. I love your little quirks and flaws. Who likes a Mary-Sue, anyway? You're my Sapphire, a precious, beautiful gemstone who means the whole world to me. NO- you ARE my whole world. Never, ever forget that.
I remember how there was one song you used to listen to non-stop. Finally, I asked to hear the song. You played it for me, and all I could think was that it was written for me and you. Especially one particular verse.
If you be my boat, I’ll be your sea A depth of pure blue just to probe curiosity Ebbing, and flowing, and pushed by a breeze, I live to make you free, I live to make you free. But you can set sail to the west if you want to Past the horizon, ‘Til I can’t even see you, far, from here, Where the beaches are wide Just leave me your wake to remember you by
*Stares at Alex (yes, I know it was you) in amazement* *tacklehugs as tight as I can* You made me cry harder than I have in months. That is, hands down, the nicest thing ANYONE has ever said to me and I can't believe you took the time to write it *hugs again* Thank you. Thank you so much :') You're the best friend ever. You know that, right?
Saphy fish... I cant... im tearing up as I write this because I know I wont ever be able to put into words how important you are to me. I love ya, New Zealand Blogsis... I swear, when you put fabi you and I in blogland together you get the best conversations. And I dont care if you know who this is. You are my sister and you are perfect and I want to meet you face to face.
I don't know you that well, but I know you well enough to say that you are totally jepic.
ReplyDeleteSaph, you're amazing, both nice and funny and, yeah, like I said, amazing!
ReplyDeleteYour awesome Saph:) I just know it:) CONTINUE BEING AWESOME!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd now I remember where I heard your name XD
DeleteHeya :) You are so nice, so kind, and so supportive of everybody! YOU BE AWESOME. Please come on more often so everybody can chat to you more!!
ReplyDeleteSaph. Sapphy. Sapphire. I know your name, 'Iota', means small, but you have the biggest and brightest personality. I've known you longer than anyone except your family, and I know that just ruined the whole 'Anonymous' thing, but I had to write here.
ReplyDeleteDo you remember the time we went to get an ice cream, but you gave a dollar to every beggar/busker we saw on our way, until we arrived at the dairy and realised you had no money left? I thought then that you were the kindest person I'd ever met, and I still think that.
You're also beautiful. Sure, you were cute when you were a little kid, but when you grew up you became amazingly beautiful. You're beautiful when you're laughing, you're beautiful when you're day-dreaming, you're beautiful when you're scowling and hitting me on the head for being an idiot. But when you're not trying, when your hair's messed up and you wear your oldest clothes, when you're completely natural and you- that's when you're most beautiful to me.
You're like my little sister- annoying sometimes, but I'd protect you from anything (Not that you need me to protect you, with your ninja self-defence stuff). You're my best friend, my rock, my crutch when my legs give out, my moral compass to correct me when I go wrong, the other half of my heart.
You also happen to be the smartest person in the whole country (don't deny it, I know you beat everyone in your year in every single test) but you're modest. I don't think I've ever heard you brag, or even tell someone your score if they didn't ask. That takes a particular kind of strength that astounds me.
Then again, you are the strongest and bravest person I know. Life has thrown hell at you and you've continued on with a perseverance and strength of character I could never hope to match. In fact, if you have one failing, it's that you always try to bear everything alone. I know your heart is filled with so much love, but it's also closed off. I've known you for years, and yet I still don't really know who you are. Sometimes, especially recently, I've seen a distant, guarded look in your eyes that lets me know you're hurting, but I don't know why. You don't have to be alone. I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you. You've always been the one to comfort other people- the empathetic girl who always knows what to say, and when not to say it. That should go two-ways- you have the right to ask for help sometimes too.
You told me once that you felt like everyone expected you to be perfect, but whatever you tried, you fell short. You are perfect to me, and always will be. I love your little quirks and flaws. Who likes a Mary-Sue, anyway? You're my Sapphire, a precious, beautiful gemstone who means the whole world to me. NO- you ARE my whole world. Never, ever forget that.
I remember how there was one song you used to listen to non-stop. Finally, I asked to hear the song. You played it for me, and all I could think was that it was written for me and you. Especially one particular verse.
If you be my boat, I’ll be your sea
A depth of pure blue just to probe curiosity
Ebbing, and flowing, and pushed by a breeze,
I live to make you free, I live to make you free.
But you can set sail to the west if you want to
Past the horizon,
‘Til I can’t even see you, far, from here,
Where the beaches are wide
Just leave me your wake to remember you by
*Stares at Alex (yes, I know it was you) in amazement* *tacklehugs as tight as I can* You made me cry harder than I have in months. That is, hands down, the nicest thing ANYONE has ever said to me and I can't believe you took the time to write it *hugs again* Thank you. Thank you so much :') You're the best friend ever. You know that, right?
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogversary, sister.
ReplyDeleteYou're amazing beyond the laws of reality, and I love you to pieces, *huggles*
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSaphy fish... I cant... im tearing up as I write this because I know I wont ever be able to put into words how important you are to me. I love ya, New Zealand Blogsis... I swear, when you put fabi you and I in blogland together you get the best conversations. And I dont care if you know who this is. You are my sister and you are perfect and I want to meet you face to face.
ReplyDeleteOh, and saph? You ate perfect.
ReplyDeleteSo you appear for a little bit and all of a sudden I feel at home again
You're amazing sister
Thank you