Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Taia DeMars


  1. Taia.... You are the awesomest onionhorse/picklepony/ lying Fire-Breathing Wollameaver Dolvampony EVER!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Taia, you're so kind and lovely and awesome and jepic and yeah:)

  3. You're always nice and kind; I don't know how you manage it. :) You're like the Magic Porridge Pot, except the Magic Porridge Pot forever gives out porridge and you forever give out nice-ness and kind-ness. Plus, you're not a pot. I think. You might be a pot pretending to be a person. I'm not quite sure how you would type if you were a pot, but you're probably magic like the Magic Porridge Pot, so you'd do it.
    You have really good opinions on things.
    And I really like how you're an old Bloglandian who doesn't forever reminisce about how old Blogland was much better, because it's rather annoying when people do that. When they come to new Blogland, they're too busy craning their nexk in the opposite direction and gazing into the distance at what was to look around and see what is.
    (Not dissing old Blogland, btw. Old Blogland was amazing. But new Blogland is amazing as well. It's like double amazingness. Like, you buy a chocolate bar, and you take it out of the package and eat it, and then you come back the next morning and the package has a brand-new chocolate bar inside it that is no less good than the first one. Wow, I DO seem to have regenerating food on my mind today . . . )

    You always have positive suggestons for improvement (or just provement, if it doesn't exost enough to be improved yet) of things (anything. From bad situations to school stuff).

    And you make me feel comfortable with doing things, beacuse you either compliment it or do it yourself, which makes me relax and feel relieved that I can do that, that's it's okay, that it's good. Really appreciate that. :)

    And you always have replies for unrelated rants, whether about irrelevant things or bad situations. :)

    I think I'm done and I have to go now. :)

  4. 1) You're one of the best writers in Blogland
    2) You're incredibly, scarily smart
    3) You're funny and light-hearted
    4) You're caring and mature and you notice when people are upset and you know exactly the right thing to say
    5) You're optimistic and easy-going- I don't think I've ever seen you rant. You're the sunshine in Blogland.
    6) You're modest and giving
    7) You're crazy in the best way possible
    8) You accept everyone for who they are and you never try to be anything except yourself
    9) You're awesome in every single way :) Luv ya blogsis

    We had some truly wonderful times on Chatzy, and we added to them on the blog... I love chu, girl! you're just so sweet and kind and kickass at writing :3 <3

  6. I miss you!
    You're so awesome and you always make me smile!
