Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Zafira Kerias


  1. Zaffy, you were the first to welcome me to Blogland. You opened up that wonderful world of friends and caring and happiness to me. I'll never forget that. :/ :)

  2. ZAFF! we have had some good times on blogland and your amazingly amazing in every single way :) I love talking to you about random things of randomness and watching you blow up Ireland XD

  3. Grand Mage, you are awesome and cool and fun and YAY YOU'RE IN BOOK 8.

    YAAAAAAY AMERIMINION!!! *tacklehugs*

  4. Zaf, you're a wonderful Bloglandain who is amazing and you were on of the first to welcom me to Blogland.

    Thank you for always explaining stuff to me.

    Thanks also for being super amazing!

  5. Zaf you totally deserve to be in LSODM and to be an elder. I really hope Derek hasn't killed you off. It'll be so nice to when I'm reading the book be like oh I know that person. And I like the way you explode Ireland (even though that means you're exploding me.) and even when Derek forced you to stop you just moved on to exploding other things.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Zaf, you're cool. And perfect.

  8. *hugs gently*
